Friday, April 10, 2015

Method to MY madness

As I start my adventure into my new clean and happy life I'm finding a lot of great articles, tips and check lists.  Pinterest has been a great source of information.  I have found a great spring cleaning checklist, ideas for all-natural cleaning products (most made from items commonly found in your home) and great before and after pictures for inspiration.   As I review the 3-page ultimate spring cleaning comes that feeling.....OVERWHELMED!  Seriously, I'm one day in and I already want to hide under my blankets?!?!?

Then I found a great article on  What NOT to do when decluttering.  Rome wasn't built in a day, as the article quotes.  Don't think you'll get your ENTIRE house done in ONE day.  Don't strive for perfection, like you may see in the staged photos in magazines.   Immediately after reading this article I could feel my shoulders drop, let out a huge sigh of relief and got my head back into the game.

So, I've come up with a method to MY madness.   My goal this weekend is to make my own checklist, while referencing the ultimate checklist found on pinterest.  My checklist will be categorized by each room, then have sub categories of items to be done in that room.  After I make the list I will then decide which items to prioritize and maybe a goal as to when/how long to complete. 

Wish me luck! ;-)
Link to Article:

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The start of a clean & happy life!!

Spring has sprung, and for the past two weeks all I can think about are the areas in my house I would love to get cleaned and organized.  The rooms and countertops that need to be decluttered.  The spare bedroom that has turned more to junk room. The shirts that I haven’t worn in years, or the feeling I have nothing to wear while I stand in the middle of a closet full of clothes.  Oh, lets not forget to mention Mount St. Toys that has taken over my child’s room!   I constantly day dream how nice it would be to live a simpler life, a clean life?  Oh, what a happy life it would be!  

I CAN’T GET MOTIVATED!!  How am I going to find the time to devote to the hours and hours of work it will take?  I’m a busy women!  I work a full-time job, have a hard-working husband, and a busy 5 year old princess. Where would I even start?  What kind of organization would be best for each space?  Any motivation I may have had was quickly squashed by feeling overwhelmed.

Talking to my friends and family I soon realized, I’M NOT ALONE.  For some reason April brings these feeling out in many people.  The daunting task of catching up on everything we neglected all year long.  The task feels so overwhelming that some never even start, or start projects but never finish.

So, I thought to myself, why not start a blog that will not only help myself……but so many others as well.   Welcome to Clean Life, Happy Life!

Follow my blog to keep up with me and the transformation of my cluttered and unorganized life, to a clean, organized and simpler life.   I will post often with progress updates, tips, suggestions, and inspirational stories from readers.  I look forward from hearing from you as a reader, any comments or stories how this page helped you would be greatly appreciated.